- LES PETITES SAVOYARDS. [Die kleinen Savoyarden] (original-language title)
- Vorlage Porzellanmanufaktur
- design: John Francis Rigaud (Regaud), England, 3rd third of the 18th century
- engraver: Jean Marie Delattre, England (?), 3rd third of the 18th century
Material | Technique
- height: 22.2 cm
- width: 26.2 cm
Inventory number
- KI 15165-274
- estate, 1866
- Library and Works on Paper Collection
- plate mark: aufgeklebte Marke: 274.B. [Feder in Schwarz]
- text on object: I.F.Regaud Inv.t / I.M. Delattre Sculpt. / [Auschnitt auf die Rückseite geklebt:] LES PETITES SAVOYARDS.
- stamp: Bindenschild K. K. PORZ. MANUF. [Wiener Porzellanmanufaktur]
zwei Kinder und ein Hund, ein Kind mit Hut und Instrument, das andere Kind hält seinen Hut auf den Kopf des Hundes, der auf zwei Beinen geht; Jean Marie Delattre (printmaker; French; British; Male; 1745 - 1840), Engraver; b. Abbeville, early career as portrait specialist, working for Esnauts & Rapilly. Came to England in 1770 to work for Ryland; assistant to Francesco Bartolozzi. John Francis Rigaud (painter/draughtsman; French; British; Male; 1742 - 1810), Painter, b. Turin, studied in Rome, Parma and Bologna where elected member of the Academy in 1766. In 1772 via Paris to London, where he remained. Member of the RA in 1784.
Druckgrafik, LES PETITES SAVOYARDS. [Die kleinen Savoyarden], John Francis Rigaud (Regaud), MAK Inv.nr. KI 15165-274
Last update
- 24.10.2024